The Power of Crystals

Crystals are remarkable—they are believed to have and harness energy that supports us through our journey of transformation and growth. And when you pair that with a powerful mind, we can make our dreams a reality.
— Jade Feliciano
Photo by @studiokealaul on Unsplash.

Photo by @studiokealaul on Unsplash.

Are you aware of the power of intentions when paired with crystals? Crystals are remarkable—they are believed to have and harness energy that supports us through our journey of transformation and growth. And when you pair that with a powerful mind, we can make our dreams a reality.

My journey with crystals

Just like many, I've gone through many phases of change—spiritually, emotionally, and physically. During these phases, I tend to hyper-focus on a specific goal. And with that, my obsession with crystals started. I walked into a crystal shop and picked up a Jade stone and other stones that I felt drawn to. Fast forward to now, the majority of my TikTok consists of crystal information and its powers of manifestation. My crystals combined with journaling and affirmations helped me reach specific goals and manifest the life I want to live. If you're looking to give this a try, keep reading.


How to manifest with affirmations and crystals

There are many ways people manifest with affirmations and crystals. I like to do it by first making myself feel loved and appreciated. For me, this ritual begins before bed—I take a shower, moisturize, and do my full skincare routine. Then, I light an incense and plug in my Himalayan salt lamp.

Once I feel centered, I bring in the crystals that support the intentions I'm setting for myself during that specific phase of my life. I hold the crystals in my hand and play with them while writing my affirmations in my journal 5 times. I do the same with my crystals in hand when I repeat these affirmations to myself in the mirror.

To close my ritual, I write a gratitude list of things, people, and experiences that I am grateful for. Writing a daily gratitude list is believed to lift your vibrational frequency so that you can better align your energy with that of the Universe to create your reality. Therefore, giving appreciation to where we are now, makes space for where we are going next.

Photo by Franco Antonio on Unsplash.

Crystals for your intentions

Affirmation: I practice healthy habits.

 If your sweet tooth is as strong as mine and you want to start eating better, Tiger's Eye will give you the stability to make better decisions, and Hematite will ground you in those choices.

 If you have health concerns and genuinely need emotional support, then grounding and healing crystals are best. Clear Quartz is one of the most powerful healing crystals. It cleanses all chakras, and its energy helps ease and heal the fear-mindset.


Affirmation: I attract meaningful relationships.

A pandemic that requires social distancing makes it challenging to meet new people and make meaningful connections. Clear Quartz will help open you to these experiences (whether through an app or IRL). Orange Calcite is connected to the sacral chakra and has a powerful effect on sex—it’ll help balance your energies to approach sex in an empowered way, allowing you to enjoy your body’s natural pleasures.

For self-love and anything related to love, start with a Rose Quartz for support.

If you're concerned with the liars and cheats of the world (queue T-Swift song), Green Jasper and Smoky Quartz will help protect against deception.


Affirmations: I embrace my calling. 

If you want to start a business, Citrine, known as the merchant stone and stone of abundance, has been used since ancient times to harness wealth and success. Additionally, Goldstone, the stone of ambition, provides you the drive and confidence you need to achieve.

If you're looking for a new job, Aventurine, a light green color crystal, will help bring opportunity and good luck. If you make your way to an interview, keep Desert Rose nearby to rid negativity so that you can act from confidence rather than fear.


Affirmation: I create financial freedom. 

Pyrite encourages determination and focus, and works well with Malachite to attract abundance and good fortune. Those, along with Aventurine, can guide your path to financial freedom.


Affirmation: I reclaim my right to love myself. 

Rose Quartz, Amethyst, and Clear Quartz work the best together to encourage self-love, peace, and body acceptance. Try slipping the crystal trio under your pillow while you sleep at night.


The power of crystals

Crystals are meant to support us on our journey of healing and transformation—this means we must still do the work. Crystals will help to align your energy, harness the positive, release the negative, and provide that extra support of confidence, drive, love, and energy to get where we're going.

Ultimately, you are the creator—allow your crystals to support your manifestation, and share these good vibes with those you love.

Jade Feliciano is a freelance writer with a mission to scale sustainability by promoting conscious business trends, clean beauty, and mindful lifestyles. When Jade is not writing, she enjoys working out, reading her horoscope, and propagating plants. Follow her @jade_fel to see what she’s up to.